Online gaming marketplaces like can make a big difference to your experience as a Fortnite player. You can get help achieving your goals no matter how big or small they are, whether’s it reaching Unreal or simply leveling the battle pass.
Let’s dive into some of the great ways an online market can help you out as a Fortnite player.
How Does an Online Gaming Marketplace Work?
An online gaming marketplace works just like a normal online e-commerce market. However, instead of physical items, you can buy or sell digital assets and services for games. This includes accounts, items, rank boosts, and coaching.
What Can Fortnite Players Use an Online Marketplace For?
You can get help with tons of Fortnite things at an online marketplace, like getting a better rank or even finding the rarest cosmetics. If there’s something you need assistance with in-game, you’ll find all the help you need at an online marketplace.
But, what specifically can you use an online marketplace for as a Fortnite player? Here are some of the most common Fortnite services you can find at an online marketplace.
- Accounts, including those with old skins
- Battle pass leveling
- Rank boosts
- Coaching
- Top-ups
What Are the Benefits of Using an Online Marketplace as a Fortnite Player?
Using an online marketplace as a Fortnite player brings many advantages, whether you want the coolest skins or the highest rank in the game. An online market can help you achieve your Fortnite goals.
What if you want to make a career out of playing Fortnite? You can offer your own services like coaching and rank boosting to help the lower ranks out. You’ll not only get the chance to help out fellow Fortnite players but also get paid for your time.
Get Rare Cosmetics
Fortnite is built around its cosmetics. There are a lot: skins, backblings, emotes, gliders, contrails, even shoes for your character to wear. Pretty much all of these items (or at least the good ones) have timed exclusivity, if you miss out on something, it’s either gone forever or for a very long time.
Many players take pride in owning something rare, whether it’s an old battlepass skin or an emote that hasn’t been seen in the item shop for several years. This is one of the most popular reasons why Fortnite players use an online gaming platform.
You can purchase accounts with old skins, emotes, gliders, etc. The seller will usually list the full number of cosmetics available on the account so you can see if it has the item you want. As the majority of cosmetics are account-bound, this is the only way to get a lot of the older cosmetics.
Alternatively, if your account is stacked with rare cosmetics, then you can sell it on an online market for real money. This is a great way to earn some extra cash if you no longer play the game or own an account you don’t want anymore.
Get Help with Battlepass Leveling
Alongside digital assets, Fortnite gamers can use online marketplaces to buy or sell services. Fortnite is a pretty time-consuming game to play these days, especially since its gradual evolution into a game platform. It comprises various games alongside its popular battle royale mode, including LEGO Fortnite Odyessy, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival.
Each mode usually has its own line of quests and cosmetics to unlock, which only add to the grind. Completing everything Fortnite has to offer in a single season can be difficult even for the most dedicated players.
If you’re short on time or having trouble with finishing quests, you can hire someone to help you at an online marketplace. The player assigned to assist you will level up the battle pass on your behalf so you can unlock everything before the season ends.
Obtain a Higher Rank with Rank Boosts
There are currently 8 ranks in Fortnite, with the lowest being bronze and the highest being unreal. The higher ranks are notoriously difficult to obtain, especially as you get very little progress for wins and eliminations the more you climb.
Rank progress also resets every season, so reaching the highest rank before the season ends is a feat that even the best players can struggle with. If you want to get a better rank in a certain mode, such as Battle Royale or Rocket Racing, then you can find expert help at an online gaming marketplace.
The best players will help you obtain your desired rank in your chosen mode so you can finally reach the goal you want.
Improve Your Gameplay with Coaching
Fortnite is a hard game to learn, but an even more difficult one to master. There are so many skills to perfect, including positioning, aim, and build mechanics. Hiring a professional coach via an online gaming marketplace can make a huge difference to your gameplay.
These experts are usually high-rank players themselves, so their insight and expertise will help you understand exactly where you’re going wrong and what you need to improve on.
Even a single session can be widely beneficial and help you take your gameplay to the next level. It could mean the building practice you need or key bit of strategy.
On the flip side, what if you’re a high-rank Fortnite player who wants to help other people improve their gameplay? Then you can also benefit from using an online marketplace. You can sign up as a coach, you’ll get to showcase your skills and help out other Fortnite gamers.
Save Money with Top-ups
You can never have enough Vbucks in Fortnite. This premium currency is needed to buy battle passes and cosmetics from the Item Shop. A lot of Fortnite’s official modes have their own battle pass, which means you’ll need even more VBucks to spend.
Online marketplaces allow you to buy top-ups for Fortnite so you never run out of VBucks. Sellers usually offer them cheaper than buying them directly, so you’ll save a bit of money in the long run!
Final Thoughts
An online gaming marketplace can be a huge asset to any Fortnite player, whether you need assistance with collecting cosmetics, reaching a new peak in ranked, or leveling up your battle pass before the skins get vaulted.
If you’re a dedicated Fortnite fan, using an online marketplace will only help you get more enjoyment out of the game. Plus, if you want to earn some extra income and help out other Fortnite gamers, you can offer your services and skills at an online marketplace. It’s a win-win!